Spending time with Super Heroes … the voice speaking for the rights of kids
I had the privilege of spending some time up close and personal with a team of great people and they didn’t wear a mask or fly around with a cape but they are definitely fully qualified, real life super heroes.
Young men and women who I am truly thankful to have met. They filled me with hope for the future – these life changers. Inspiring to be around, courageous with an ironic sense of humour as they rise above the junk of life. Front line and confronting real life: drugs, alcohol, domestic/family violence … the dark side … and they do not back away from taking back ground for the good of children and, ultimately, preserving families and their future.
Their dedication and purposeful progress is above and beyond – to me they are the super heroes and, while they readily acknowledge we don’t live in a mythical “happily ever after world”, the work and endeavour they pursue throws this door wide for the people and children who come their way.
Often the people and situations they are dealing with can be totally unpredictable – affected by the scourge of drugs, alcohol, a history of domestic violence – you name it – and too often outcomes can follow these negative patterns.
In all this, the purposeful focus of these super heroes is the children. Kids, whose innocent smiles melt our hearts with their sweet, excited, enthusiastic personalities so endearing in hopeful expectation – imploring us to reach out and love them. They sparkle like beautiful gems lit from within.
This is a call to arms and these wonderful “super” people accept the call for justice to prevail while understanding they will not always succeed and at times justice may not prevail but they keep on persisting and demand the odds stack in their favour with the intent of children as No. 1 – the priority.
These young women and men don’t wait for a miracle to happen – they are the miracle – they are the hands and feet and the voice speaking for the rights of these kids who can’t speak for themselves.
If you are looking for the magic wand – we are it – all of us – the hands and the feet and, importantly, the voice and whatever we see which needs to be done we can look inside ourselves and gather the courage and wisdom to act. We can all individually make a difference which changes our world to pursue justice for children – they are a totally worthy cause.
Children have no choice about who their parents are or the circumstances of their birth but they are the pure gold of life and the foundation stone of our future world. They need to be nurtured, protected, empowered to have strength and encouraged to grow in a world where they can rise above any negatives of their parents’ collective history.
What our world will look like rests with all of us in taking responsibility to look after the children who are a precious gift to us all.
So much of what we all have is free. There is no “meter” charging us for the air we breathe, a blue sky above decorated with clouds, huge green trees, sweet smelling flowers and amazing birds, entertaining animals and brilliant stars lighting our sky at night. God doesn’t say, hey, I’ll give you a couple of buckets of sand for you to sink your toes into at the beach. He gives us more sand than we could ever count and an ocean so big it covers more than 70 per cent of the surface of our planet – just one of his many free gifts.
Is it so much to ask we give the very best of who we are for his extraordinary, one-of-a-kind free offering to us – the children of this world – our light in the dark?
The intrinsic value we leave behind in this world is the love which lives inside the hearts and minds of the children who live on long after we have gone.